What is Praetor App

Hi, I want to introduce Praetor to Lavanet.

We are a team of passionate developers and designers who help reduce the entry barrier for blockchain entries for everyday users.

Our goal is to make it an easy and accessible blockchain future. We are currently running a staking and development business in cosmos chains. We are running 5 mainnet validators and other testnet validators. With over $8M staked with Praetor, people stake with us for top-tier security, unwavering uptime and competitive commission rates. You can visit all the links here - praetorapp | Twitter | Linktree

We have created apps for Akash Network and Jackal Protocol; you can visit the site here - https://akash.praetorapp.com/ and https://jackal.praetorapp.com and quickly become a Provider for Akash Network and Jackal Protocol.

Staking Website β†’ https://staking.praetorapp.com
Linktree β†’ praetorapp | Twitter | Linktree
Website β†’ https://praetorapp.com/
Twitter β†’ https://twitter.com/praetor_app
Docs β†’ https://docs.praetorapp.com/
Discord β†’ http://discord.gg/uzUCHTF93D
Medium β†’ Praetor App - Medium


@vatsal8589 Thank you for your post. We’re very excited to have Praetor in the ecosystem. As you get started with our docs, you can definitely see about running a RPC Node or validator as your team has prior experience in these dimensions!

Also, please take a look at LavaSDK. There may be some areas of interest whereby you can contribute/implement Lava!

and quickly become a Provider for Akash Network and Jackal Protocol.

Q for you - do you run any Akash RPC nodes yourself?

@kagemnikarimu Thank you for your quick response. Answering your question, Yes we do run public rpc nodes for akash ourself. Also, We can help you to deploy rpc’s as you might need some infrastructure to deploy rpc’s on Akash network.

Q - I am interested in becoming testnet validator in lava network. So to achieve this, I need some testnet tokens to run a validator and test certain functionalities. Where can I get those tokens ? Can you delegate some testnet tokens to us?

We can also develop to be part of lava RPC on Akash network.

Awesome!! :tada:

Prior to deploying RPC nodes, Lava needs to have a specification for supporting Akash network. Right now, getting Akash RPC on Lava would involve creating and proposing that specification. I am excited to discover if this is something you or your team would have capacity to do. It is not a heavy lift - but it does require focused effort. At mainnet, contributors of specs (called champions!) can receive rewards for implementing and maintaining specs.

I have a specification guide that you can review to get started. I’d love to talk with you further about it after you get a chance to review it. Spec Proposal Guide πŸ“œ | Lava Docs

Q - I am interested in becoming testnet validator in lava network. So to achieve this, I need some testnet tokens to run a validator and test certain functionalities. Where can I get those tokens ? Can you delegate some testnet tokens to us?

Re: Testnet Tokens, I will reach out to @yuvalxyz immediately. At least previously, he was the one provisioning those tokens. In the meantime, check out our validator getting started documentation.

@kagemnikarimu Thank you so much for your detailed response!

Praetor team has already started giving their efforts to develop that functionality as per the specification guide and is actively doing research how we can help lava to give support to akash network.

Also we have become a validator in testnet and the link for our validator is
[Validator Praetor Profile - Lava (LAVA) Blockchain Explorer].

Meanwhile, We would love if you delegate enough lava tokens to include us in your active validator set.

Hey @vatsal8589, adding a new spec for Akash network would be awesome! I’ve sent a delegation to your validator. Excited to have Praetor contribute and become a part of our growing community

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